The new version d’accord 4.2 is available for download. The latest release of the of the graphical PDF comparison solution includes the following changes:

  • NEW: The import dialog for items (PDF A) has in addition to the function crop to largest segment (segment #0) now also a function to crop to the second largest segment (segment #1) etc. If a single PDF contains multiple items on a page, then the cropping of these items can now be achieved by inserting the same PDF multiple times with different segment numbers #0, #1, …
    • Alternatively: The context menu on item thumbnails allows to call later the function Crop to main segment or Crop to second segment.
  • NEW: When saving projects for the first time, the suggested project name is derived from the file name of the first PDF under B:Sheets
  • NEW: Under Settings > Differences > Group differences up to now a maximal value of 4mm is allowed (previously: 2mm)
  • NEW (Windows version): In the upper left corner of the rulers, in addition to the menu items cm and in, there is a new switch to turn on the display of scrollbars.
  • Update: Latest Adobe PDF Library version 18.0.5PlusP1g

d’accord shows you quickly and safely all differences in graphics and text – as a contrast of the two PDFs and with highlighted deviations. This allows you to quickly verify post-process editing and to detect unintentional changes.

Applications of d’accord include packaging, folding cartons, blister cards, brochures and commercials.

d’accord is available as 64-bit version for Mac OS X and Windows. Both versions are based on the proven Adobe® PDF Library™. Try d’accord now: free trial version at