
What is special about PDiff Professional?

PDiff Professional allows interactive comparison of PDF files. In addition, you can load other common document formats… so you can also compare data from a word processor with corresponding PDF files.

Automate PDiff Professional to handle large quantities of documents or to repeatedly examine files. You can even execute PDiff Professional from your existing software, like a workflow system.

In addition to machine-readable XML output, you can generate proof reports as PDF. These reports dcoument all changes and similarities, including exact details of matching/disagreeing text passages, their position in the documents tested, and even a graphical display of the relevant PDF pages.

Here is an overview over the features of all three PDiff editions:

PDiff Desktop PDiff QA PDiff Professional
Desktop edition based on the market-leading Adobe® PDF Library™ and with the creation of PDF proof reports. QA edition specifically for demanding requirements in quality assurance: with user comments, detailed QA report, import function for all common document formats. Full-featured professional edition to compare complex layouts and high data volumes. Support for automation. Includes the market-leading Adobe® PDF Library™.
Mac OS X (11 and newer)
Windows (64 Bit)
OCR Text Recognition 1 1
Graphical Interface
Text synopsis
Word-synchronous display of inputs
Comparison after layout changes
Multi-page documents
Support for Unicode characters
Highlighting of moved text fragments
Input of user comments
Comparison Engine
Adobe® PDF Library™
Configurable text extraction settings
Definition of exclusion areas
Detection of moved text fragments
Comparison after rearranged text flow
Report Output
Input with annotated changes (PDF)
Synopsis (PDF)
Extended QA report (PDF)
Synopsis (HTML, XML, CSV) for toolchain support
Automation with CLI-/Workflow-Interface
Batch processing with GUI
1 Only available for macOS, PDiff 3.5 or newer.


Key Features

  • fast and reliable PDF text comparison for multipage documents
  • highlighting of differences (changes, insertions, and deletions) in the PDF files
  • text synopsis display with synchronized text and highlighted differences
  • synchronized side-by-side display of two PDFs: see corresponding words in all displays by hovering with the mouse over the text
  • comparison handles layout changes (e.g. single vs. multi column), font, size and style changes, added hyphenation and different page breaks
  • spot light display to distinguish text from non-text areas
  • reformatting of text according to layout of the other document
  • full text search function
  • easy-to-use interface for best user experience
  • full Unicode support for international scripts


Interface Languages

English, German