
ChkBarcode 3.0 released

| ChkBarcode

The new ChkBarcode version 3.0 is now available. New features in this major release of the barcode verification system include among others: …

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ChkBarcode 2.2 released

| ChkBarcode

The new ChkBarcode version 2.2 is now available. New features in this minor release of the barcode verification system include among others: …

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ChkBarcode 2.1 released

| ChkBarcode

The new ChkBarcode version 2.1 is now available. New features in this minor release of the barcode verification system include among others: …

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ChkBarcode 1.3.3 released

| ChkBarcode

The new ChkBarcode version 1.3.3 is now available. New features in this minor release of the barcode verification system include among others: …

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ChkBarcode 1.2 released

| ChkBarcode

The new ChkBarcode version 1.2.10894 is now available. The new release of the barcode verification system includes the following new features: …

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